Activities while you are waiting for a decision

As an asylum seeker, you can participate in various activities to start learning the Swedish language, find out about Swedish society and the labour market or improve your health.

The social introduction to organised by the Swedish Migration Agency is mandatory, but there are also many voluntary activities to choose from, such as language cafés or sports activities. The offerings may vary depending on where you live.

Manda­tory social intro­duc­tion

At the social introduction organised by the Swedish Migration Agency, you will receive information about the asylum process and what rights and obligations you have as an asylum seeker. You will also receive information about what it is like to live in Sweden and about laws, rules, norms and values in Sweden.

The social introduction is mandatory for anyone aged 15 and older who applies for asylum in Sweden. That means that you cannot opt out of it. If you become ill or have other obstacles that prevent you from being able to come, you must notify the Swedish Migration Agency.

Infor­ma­tion for children under the age of 15

Children under the age of 15 are not required to participate in the social introduction. Instead, the Swedish Migration Agency has produced written information for children. This information is about what happens when you apply for asylum and about what rights children have in Sweden.

Information for children who have applied for asylum

Other activities while you are waiting for a decision

In addition to the mandatory social introduction organised by the Swedish Migration Agency, as an asylum seeker, you can also participate in various activities to start learning the Swedish language, find out about Swedish society and the labour market or improve your health.

Many voluntary organisations, such as sports clubs, cultural associations, humanitarian associations, churches or mosques arrange activities for asylum seekers. These may include activities where you learn more about Swedish society or about the labour market, Swedish language classes, language cafés or activities aimed at improving your health.

There are also study associations and folk high schools that offer study circles or courses in Swedish and civic information for asylum seekers. In these activities, you meet in a group and learn Swedish together with a teacher or circle leader. Group participants have the opportunity to help decide what the instruction will be like. The group meets several times.

The vast majority of activities organised by these organisations, study associations and folk high schools are part of a social programme dubbed Early Action for Asylum Seekers. It is free to participate in these activities. If you wish to participate in a study circle, course or other activity in the Early Action for Asylum Seekers programme, you should contact a study association, folk high school or voluntary organisation where you live. To participate, you need to be able to present your asylum seeker card (LMA card).

Compen­sa­tion for travel to acti­vi­ties

If the activity in which you participate is part of Early Action for Asylum Seekers, in some cases the Swedish Migration Agency may pay compensation for your travel by public transport to the activity. Ask the person arranging the activity whether it is part of the Early Action for Asylum Seekers programme.

If you need compensation for your travel, you need to ask the arranger of the activity for a certificate showing that you are a participant. You must take the certificate with you to the Swedish Migration Agency.

Who can get compen­sa­tion for travel?

You can get compensation for your travel if you are at least 18 years of age and you

  • have applied for asylum in Sweden and your case will be examined here
  • are waiting for the first decision in your residence permit case
  • have received a residence permit in Sweden but still live in the Swedish Migration Agency’s temporary accommodation.

If you have an income or are attending upper secondary school, you cannot get compensation for travel to Early Action activities.

To get compensation for travel to activities, the distance between your home and the activity must be at least three kilometres. However, if you cannot walk to the activity, for example because you have a disability or have to take young children with you, you can still get compensation for a shorter trip by public transport.

In the first place, you can receive compensation for travel to activities that are offered in the municipality where you live. This is why you should start by looking for an activity that suits you in your own municipality. If there are not enough activities where you live, in some cases you can get compensation for travel to another municipality. Talk to someone at your Unit for Reception to find out more about the activities available where you live and the travel compensation you can receive.

The compensation is paid to your bank card, usually one month at a time. If you have any questions about compensation for your travel expenses, please contact your Unit for Reception.

If you stop parti­ci­pa­ting in an acti­vity

If you stop participating in an activity, you can no longer receive travel compensation. In that case, you need to notify the arranger of the activity and your Unit for Reception that you have stopped participating. An arranger can also contact the Unit for Reception and inform them that someone has stopped participating.

If you are ill or have other obstacles that make it temporarily impossible for you to come to the activity, you must notify the arranger of the activity.

Study Swedish and learn more about society on your own

On the internet there are many programmes for learning Swedish on your own.

You can find all the links on the Learn Swedish page on External link, opens in new window.

Most of the programmes require internet access. All of them are free of charge.

There is also a lot of information about Swedish society on External link, opens in new window.

Train your basic digital skills

Digitala jag is an online course for people who want to become more confident using digital services in their everyday life, for example in contact with various authorities. The course is free and available in several languages.

Read more at External link, opens in new window.

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