
Here you will find statistics on how many people have applied for and received residence permits in Sweden. The Swedish Migration Agency's statistics are presented as charts, tables and downloadable files and are updated monthly.

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. They publish European statistical data, thus making it possible to compare different countries and regions.

Eurostat database External link, opens in new window.

Diffe­rences in the Swedish Migra­tion Agen­cy’s and Eurostat’s statistics on asylum seekers

Eurostat reports more asylum seekers than the Swedish Migration Agency. This is because the Swedish Migration Agency counts an application from a person who is in Sweden with a residence permit on the grounds of family ties under the temporary law*, and who then applies for asylum, as an extension of the current permit. In Eurostat’s statistics, this is counted as a first-time application (if the person has never previously applied for asylum in Sweden). Otherwise, both parties use the same groupings for asylum seekers.

Eurostat’s statistics on received asylum applications External link, opens in new window.

Eurostat’s categorisation of asylum cases decided in first instance also includes cases not examined according to Directive 2013/32/EU.

Eurostat’s statistics on decided asylum cases External link, opens in new window.

*2016:752 The Act concerning temporary restrictions on the granting of residence permits.