Questions and answers about the service Time to a decision

The time until the decision is counted from the day when an application was submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency, or to a Swedish embassy or consulate-general.

The time reported on the website only shows how long it has taken to process 75% of cases, which are similar to yours and which have been completed in the last six months. Unfortunately, it is not possible to say exactly how long it will take in your case.

All applications are different, and therefore all of them take different amounts of time. Before a person can receive a decision, the Case Officer must, for example,

  • review the documents that have been sent in
  • perform certain checks with other national authorities
  • in some cases, ask questions about a particular document, or ask the person who is applying to provide additional documents.

It can also depend on how long the applicant needs to wait in order to be able to come to the embassy for an interview.

The processing time can vary, and two cases that are submitted at the same time can be settled on different dates. The reason is that the processing consists of several elements before a decision can be reached, and different elements take different amounts of time. One reason why a case can take a longer time than another is that the Swedish Migration Agency may need to request further information in one of the cases. Another reason is that the waiting time for an interview at the embassy can vary from country to country.

No, the processing time is mainly influenced by the number of applications waiting and the individual circumstances in each application.

The time shown now is the one you should refer to. The time is based on how long people with similar applications, who have received a decision in the past three months, have waited.