Crisis and acute situations
Here you will find information about what to do in emergency situations and when you need to get in touch with the police.
Emergency situations
The emergency number in Sweden is 112. You use that number when you need to alert the police, fire department and ambulance in an emergency situation. Those who answer speak Swedish and English and can connect interpreters if needed.
Here you can read more about what to do in different types of emergencies and how to prevent emergencies from occurring:
Your Safety | External link, opens in new window.
Contact with the police
If you need to get in touch with the police in a case that is not an emergency, you can call 114 14.
The police is there to help and protect people from crime, both those who live in Sweden and those who are visiting. Everyone should feel safe everywhere in Sweden: at home, on the street, at school, at the workplace and in all other places.
It is police’s job to ensure that everyone in Sweden follows Swedish law. The police collaborate with schools, municipalities, companies, associations and authorities to prevent crime and create security.
On the police website you will find more information about their work and addresses of all police stations.
Start | Police Authority ( External link, opens in new window.