Sweden's defence
Here you will find information about Sweden’s defence and how you can prepare for a major crisis.
Since March 2024, Sweden has been a member of NATO. NATO is a defence alliance with joint security cooperation and a collective defence. Work within the organisation focuses primarily on preserving peace and security in the Member States.
Read more about NATO:
This is NATO - Regeringen.se External link, opens in new window.
Sweden in NATO (msb.se) (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Total defence
Sweden's total defence is the operations that Sweden needs if there is war within the country or in the immediate area. The total defence consists partly of military activities but also of civilian activities. Total defence includes authorities, organisations and companies.
All of Sweden’s inhabitants are part of the total defence. This does not mean that all of Sweden’s inhabitants are called into the military in the event of war. But we all have a duty to stand up as part of Swedish society in the event of war and crisis.
You can read more about the total defence on these websites:
Total Defence - Armed Forces (forsvarsmakten.se) (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
Home preparedness
Home preparedness is about you should cope without the help of society in a major crisis. The municipalities are tasked with assisting the most vulnerable citizens in a crisis, such as people in elderly care. Therefore, it is good if you do what you can to handle yourself for as long as possible without the help of society in the event of a crisis.
Want to know more about home preparedness to see what you can do? Read on the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s website: