Instruc­tions for the appli­ca­tion for a special grant for adults

Instruktioner till ansökan om särskilt bidrag till vuxna – engelska

  1. What is the reason for your application? Tell us as clearly as possible why you need the grant, and how much money you need for the product or service you wish to buy.

  2. Explain why you need the product or service.

  3. List the documents are you sending with your application to show why you need the product or service.

  4. List any income you receive from employment, or any allowances you receive from other government agencies or organizations, such as sickness benefits, parental benefits or child allowance from the National Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan).

  5. Tell us whether you have cash other than the daily allowance from the Swedish Migration Agency.

  6. Tell us whether you have financial assets, such as cars, money in a Swedish or foreign bank account, a business you own, shares or assets outside of Sweden that you can sell in order to get cash.

  7. Signing this application means you are swearing the following under oath:
    • The information you have provided in your application is correct.
    • You understand that you are required to inform us of any changes in your financial situation may affect your right to the subsidy or the size of the special grant.
    • You are aware that submitting false information can be considered criminal benefits fraud, which can lead to a police complaint.
    • You have understood what you are signing.

It is important that you fill out this form correctly so that the Swedish Migration Agency will be able to make a decision without needing to ask you for additional information. If information is missing, the Swedish Migration Agency may decide to refuse your application because the Agency is not able to evaluate your needs.

Submit the form to your reception unit, or send the form to your reception unit.

Postal addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency's Units for Reception

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