
Employing a person with a temporary residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

will receive their own proof of application containing their name and case number, as well as information about their right to work. Apply for tax...

You can be listed in the Swedish Population Register after two years of temporary protection
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

Register. If you have had a residence permit with temporary protection for two years, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency of your move to Sweden. The...

Documents to fulfil the maintenance requirement
English / Private individuals / ... / For the relative in Sweden

contributions. This usually means the surplus from business activities that you declare in your tax return. You can show your income by sending in: a copy of your...

Employing someone who has or has had a tempo­rary resi­dence permit for studies at upper secon­dary level
English / Other operators / ... / Employing someone who is already in Sweden

employment contract lasting at least two years you, the employer, have reported to the Swedish Tax Agency that the person is working with you the person can...

Perma­nent right of resi­dence for EU/​EEA citi­zens – apply for a certi­fi­cate
English / Private individuals / ... / After five years in Sweden

correct passport copies. You may also need to submit PAYE tax return from the Swedish Tax Agency for the last five years, if you or your close relative have...

New rules on population registration from 1 November
English/Private individuals/Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

under the Temporary Protection Directive, you must register with the Swedish Tax Agency for population registration no more than four weeks after the date on...

Nordic citizens living in Sweden
English/Private individuals/EUEEA citizens

need to apply for a residence permit. If you want to live in Sweden you simply need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency. Information about how to...

Apply for a perma­nent resi­dence card – for family members of EU/​​EEA citi­zens who are citi­zens of a non-EU/​​EEA country
English / Private individuals / ... / After five years in Sweden

must have a signature. Read more about making correct passport copies. You may also need to submit PAYE tax return from the Swedish Tax Agency for the...

Employing an au pair
English / Other operators / ... / Special rules for certain occupations and citizens of certain countries

must offer a certain compensation for work done, a minimum salary of 10 % of the price base amount per month before tax ( current price base amount is...

Work, study or live in Sweden for EU/​EEA citi­zens
English/Private individuals/EUEEA citizens

to contact the Swedish Tax Agency. Information about how to register at the Swedish Tax Agency If you are going to start a private business, you have...

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