Apply for citizenship – for those 18 to 20 years of age
Here is information about how to apply for Swedish citizenship if you are a young adult 18 to 20 years of age (who has lived in Sweden since the age of 13 or, if you are stateless, since the age of 15). This is called filing a notification of citizenship.
Requirements for citizenship
To be able to become a Swedish citizen, you must
- have turned 18, but not 21 years of age
- have lived in Sweden since the day you turned 13 (or if you are stateless, since the day you turned 15).
- have a permanent residence permit, residence status, right of residence or a residence card. (You do not need a permanent residence permit, residence status, right of residence or a residence card if you were born in Sweden, have been stateless since birth, have lived in Sweden for five years or for a total of ten years, and have a temporary residence permit as a refugee or as a person eligible for subsidiary protection, as a family member, on the grounds of particularly or exceptionally distressing circumstances or impediments to enforcement).
Read more about the right of residence and residence cards
Read more about residence status
Requirements for using the e-service
In order to use the e-service, you need to
- have an e-identification
- have an email address
- be able to pay by card.
Special rules apply to you if you are a citizen of Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway and are 18 to 20 years of age.
Read more about Swedish citizenship for Nordic citizens who are 18 to 20 years of age
If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you need to be able to show that you have had and have the right of residence and thereby had a legal presence in the past five years. You must therefore send in documents that show that you have worked, been self-employed, had own funds or studied in Sweden.
If you work or have worked, you must include
- a verification of employment or work certificate with information on the period of employment and terms of employment for the past five years
- a certificate from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) verifying that you were a job seeker if you were unemployed for six months or more
- a certificate from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) verifying that you lacked the ability to work for six months or more due to illness or accident if applicable.
If you are or have been self-employed, you must include
- the registration certificate and corporate tax certificate of the company
- tax returns or other documentation that shows that the company has been active for the past five years.
If you are or have had own funds, you must include
- documents that show that you have had enough funds for your and your family's financial support in the past five years, such as pension disbursements, wages from abroad or bank funds
- housing costs for the past five years
- a certificate that nobody in the family has received income support according to the Social Services Act in the past five years.
If you are studying or have studied, you must include
- study grants for the periods you studied
- a certificate that you have been able to financially support yourself during the time you studied.
If you are a family member of an EU/EEA citizen, you need to be able to show that you have and have had the right of residence and thereby had a legal presence in that your relative has and has had the right of residence. You must therefore send in documents that show that your relative has worked, studied, been self-employed or had own funds in Sweden in the past five years.
If your relative works or has worked, you must include
- a verification of employment or work certificate with information on the period of employment and terms of employment for the past five years
- a certificate from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) verifying that your relative was a job seeker if they were unemployed for six months or more
- a certificate from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) verifying that your relative lacked the ability to work for six months or more due to illness or accident if applicable.
If your relative is or has been self-employed, you must include
- a registration certificate for the company
- tax returns or other documentation that shows that the company has been active for the past five years.
If your relative is or has had own funds, you must include
- documents that show that your relative has had adequate funding to financially support the family the past five years, such as pension disbursements, wages from abroad or bank funds (if you have own funds for your financial support, they must also be reported)
- housing costs for the past five years
- a certificate that nobody in the family has received income support according to the Social Services Act in the past five years.
If your relative studies or has studied, you must include
- study grants for the periods your relative studied
- a certificate that your relative has been able to financially support you during the time they studied.
You can use the My page e-service to see how your case is progressing and, for example, whether a decision has been made.
If you cannot apply online, complete the form Notification of Swedish citizenship for those who are at least 18 but under 21 years of age, 315011 (in Swedish only).
Send the notification to:
Swedish Migration Agency
Citizenship Unit
601 70 Norrköping
In most cases, you pay a fee.
If you have become a Swedish citizen
The Swedish Migration Agency sends the decision to your officially registered address. If you have become a Swedish citizen, we notify the Swedish Tax Agency.
When you become a Swedish citizen, your residence permit card is frozen and becomes invalid. If you have children who have also become Swedish citizens, their residence permit cards are also frozen.
Swedish passport
If you have become a Swedish citizen, you can apply for a Swedish passport. You apply for a Swedish passport with the Swedish Police.
If you are abroad and want to apply for a Swedish passport, you can do so at a Swedish embassy or consulate-general.
Swedish embassies and consulates-general External link, opens in new window.