Finan­cial support for those who have protec­tion under the Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive

As a general rule, you must be able to support yourself financially. If you do not earn your own money or have other assets, you can apply for financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency. You are entitled to financial support from the date on which the Swedish Migration Agency registered your application for protection under the Temporary Protection Directive, until you are listed in the Swedish Population Register. The money you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency is intended to cover your food, clothing, and personal expenses.

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You can apply for financial support when you visit a Swedish Migration Agency office or by submitting an application form to the Swedish Migration Agency by post. If you are also applying for financial support for your children, you must fill in one form per person. The Swedish Migration Agency can grant financial support at the earliest from the day you apply for it.

Married and cohabiting couples share responsibility for the family's finances. This means that the Swedish Migration Agency will also take your partner's income into account when assessing whether or not you have the right to financial support. If you are receiving financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency, it is important that you tell the Swedish Migration Agency if your financial situation changes, for example, if you get a job or move to new accommodation. A change of address may mean that the level of financial support you receive needs to be changed. It is a criminal offence not to inform us that you or your partner are earning money at the same time as you are paid a daily allowance.

You can apply for two different forms of financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency: daily allowance and special allowance.

Daily allo­wance

The amount of daily allowance paid out varies depending on whether or not your accommodation includes food. The amount of daily allowance paid out also depends on whether you live together with a spouse or partner.

In accommodation where food is included, the daily allowance is

  • 24 SEK/day for a single adult
  • 19 SEK/day per person for cohabiting and married couples who live together
  • 19 SEK/day per person for young adults aged 18–20 who live with their parents
  • 12 SEK/day for children up to and including the age of 17 years.

In accommodation where food is not included, the daily allowance is

  • 71 SEK/day for a single adult
  • 61 SEK/day per person for cohabiting and married couples who live together
  • 61 SEK/day per person for young adults aged 18–20 who live with their parents
  • 50 SEK/day for children aged 11–17 years
  • 43 SEK/day for children aged 4–10 years
  • 37 SEK/day for children aged 0–3 years.

Families with more than two children receive full daily allowance for the two oldest children and half a daily allowance for the other children.

In addition to food, the daily allowance needs to cover clothing and shoes, medical care and medicine, dental care, hygiene items, other consumables and leisure activities.

Application for daily allowance, form Mot23 (in Swedish) Pdf, 1.1 MB, opens in new window.

How to fill out the daily allowance form

Special grant

Special grants are intended for needs that are not covered by the daily allowance. To receive a special grant, you must prove that you have a great need for the item or service and that you cannot pay for it yourself.

You can apply for one of the following special grant packages:

  • standard package for infants (0–1 years)
  • standard package for school supplies
  • standard package for winter clothes
  • baby carriage
  • eyeglasses.

You can also apply for a special grant for expenses for medical care, medication, and medical travel.

If you need a product or service that does not fit into any of the standard packages or that does not relate to expenses for medical care and medication, you can also apply for this. You can only get a grant for the cheapest options required to meet your need.

The Swedish Migration Agency will always make an individual assessment of your need.

The form Application for a special grant (in Swedish) Mot78 Pdf, 671.8 kB.

How to fill in the Application for a special grant form

The form Application for a special grant for unaccompanied minors and young people (in Swedish) Mot72 Pdf, 672.1 kB.

Bank card

If you are granted daily allowance from the Swedish Migration Agency, you will receive a bank card that is linked to the account where the money is put in. Only the Swedish Migration Agency can put money into this account. If you want to open a Swedish bank account where, for example, an employer can put in money, you must contact a Swedish bank.

Read more about the bank card

Deci­sion on finan­cial support

Once the Swedish Migration Agency has made a decision on financial support, you will be informed of the decision

  • through a case officer at your Unit for Reception or
  • through a system called simplified notification.

When the Swedish Migration Agency notifies you via simplified service, we will send the decision by post to the address you have given us. The next business day, we will send a new letter with a verification message to the same address, informing you that we have sent you our decision. The verification message states the date on which the decision was sent. Two weeks after the decision was sent, the Swedish Migration Agency considers that you have been notified of the decision. After that, you have three weeks to appeal the decision.

Remember to check your mail/post regularly.

Once you have had a resi­dence permit for two years

Once you have had a residence permit with temporary protection for two years, you must report your move to Sweden to the Swedish Tax Agency, which will then decide if you can be listed in the Swedish Population Register. Once you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you will no longer be entitled to financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Daily allo­wance can be divided into two payments per month

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