Visiting address
Märta Posses väg 3
Opening hours
3 February
Open09:00 – 12:00
4 February
Open12:00 – 15:00
5 February
Open09:00 – 12:00
6 February
Open09:00 – 12:00
7 February
Open09:00 – 12:00
Saturdays and Sundays closed.
Type of office
- Reception Unit
Here you can, as an asylum seeker, get help while waiting for a decision. The office also helps you who have been refused your application for asylum and who will return to your home country.
Information about the reception unit in Vänersborg
- If you want to apply for a special allowance you need to fill in an application. Send your application to: Mottagningsenheten, Box 243, 462 23 Vänersborg, or visit the reception to hand it in.
- Since we have many visitors, we need to use the time wisely and therefore we ask you to take a number tag per person if you are several in the same company.
- Please come prepared to us with completed forms.
- If you have an appointment for a meeting, you must show your summons to the guard to be admitted.