After a decision for those who have the status of long-term resident in Sweden

If the Swedish Migration Agency approves your application for a residence permit, you will receive a EC/EU-card, which is proof that you have the status of long-term resident in Sweden. If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application you have the option to appeal if you do not accept it.

If the Swedish Migra­tion Agency approves your appli­ca­tion

If you have the status of long-term resident in Sweden you will get a EC/EU-card. The card is proof that you have long-term resident status in Sweden and contains your fingerprint and a photo of you. Thats why you, as soon as possible, need to visit the Swedish Migration Agency to get your photo taken and leave your fingerprints. You need to do this even if you have previously had a residence permit card, as the Swedish Migration Agency is not allowed to keep your photo and fingerprints. You must first book an appointment.

Read more about residence permit card

Book an appointment before you visit us

The decision will be sent to your home address in Sweden. Once the card is ready, it will be sent to your home in about a week.

If you do not already have a permanent residence permit when you are granted long-term resident status in Sweden, you will also receive a decision on a permanent residence permit. You do not need to submit a separate application for a permanent residence permit when you apply for long-term resident status. If you are granted both long-term resident status and a permanent residence permit, you will receive two cards, a residence permit card and an EC/EU residence permit card for long-term residents. Your permanent residence permit is valid as long as you are resident in Sweden. Bear in mind that you may lose your status as a long-term resident in Sweden if you are outside the EU for more than one year or outside Sweden for more than six consecutive years.

If you are planning to move to another EU country, it is important that you find out what rules apply in that country. You can do this, for example, by contacting the embassy of the relevant country or the equivalent of the Swedish Migration Agency in that country.

If the Swedish Migra­tion Agency rejects your appli­ca­tion

If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application, it means that you do not fulfil the requirements for being granted long-term resident status in Sweden. You can choose to appeal the decision within three weeks from the day you received the decision. Information on how to appeal can be found in the decision. If you have given someone a power of attorney to represent you, that person can appeal on your behalf.

Read more about how to appeal

If you are in Sweden when your application is rejected, and do not have a valid permit in Sweden or an open application with the Swedish Migration Agency, you must leave the country within the time stated in the decision.

Read more about what applies to you if your application has been rejected and you are in Sweden

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