After a deci­sion has been made on a resi­dence permit to move to someone in Sweden

If the Swedish Migration Agency approves your application for a residence permit, you will receive a residence permit card, which is proof that you have the right to be in Sweden. If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application, you have the option of appealing against the decision if you do not accept it.

If you are granted a resi­dence permit

Resi­dence permit card

If you are granted a residence permit that is valid for more than three months, you will receive a residence permit card. The card proves that you have permission to reside in Sweden and contains information such as your fingerprints and photograph.

Read more about residence permit cards

If you need an entry visa to travel to Sweden

If you need an entry visa to travel to Sweden, you have to wait until your residence permit card is ready. When the card is ready, the embassy or consulate-general will hand it out to you or send it to you. Please note that, after you have received your decision, it can take up to four weeks to issue the card and deliver it to the embassy or consulate-general, provided that you have already had your photograph and fingerprints taken. When you travel to Sweden, you should present your card along with a valid passport.

This will not speed up the process of issuing or delivering the card. Also, when an order has been made for your card, it is not possible to change where the card will be sent.

If you are able to travel without an entry visa

If you are able to travel to Sweden without a visa you may need to demonstrate a copy of the decision when you enter the country. You may also need to demonstrate the document regarding Information about residence permit card together with the decision when you leave the country.

Information on residence permit card – print it out and bring it with you on your trip (in Swedish and English) Pdf, 125.4 kB, opens in new window.

As soon as possible after you have arrived in Sweden you need to book an appointment at the Swedish Migration Agency to provide your fingerprints and have your picture taken. When you visit the Swedish Migration Agency you must bring your passport. Once your residence permit card is ready it will be sent to your address in Sweden.

This will not speed up the process of issuing or delivering the card. Also, when an order has been made for your card, it is not possible to change where the card will be sent.

Book an appointment with the Swedish Migration Agency to have your photograph and fingerprints taken if you are able to travel to Sweden without an entry visa

Working in Sweden

When you are granted a residence permit to move to someone in Sweden, you will also be granted a work permit, which means that you can work in Sweden. If you are granted a permanent residence permit, you can also work in Sweden.

Period of vali­dity

Married couples, regis­tered part­ners and coha­bi­ting part­ners

You can receive a residence permit for two years. In certain cases, you will receive a residence permit for shorter periods, although it will be for at least one year. However, you can never be given a residence permit for longer than the period your passport is valid for.

If your spouse, partner or cohabiting partner, has applied for asylum and received a temporary residence permit, you will receive a residence permit for the same time period that your partner’s residence permit is valid for.

If you plan to continue living in Sweden after your permit has expired, you should apply for an extension of your permit.

Read more about extending your residence permit

Children under 18 years of age

If a child applies together with a parent, or applies to move to a parent who is already living in Sweden, the child will receive a residence permit for no more than two years.

Other close rela­tive above 18 years of age

If you are granted a permit, you will be granted a residence permit for no more than two years.

If your rela­tionship ends

If your relationship ends while you have a temporary residence permit, you can only extend your permit in special cases. The Swedish Migration Agency may also recall the residence permit. In each individual case we determine if there are grounds for approving a continued residence permit.

If your relationship ends while you have a temporary residence permit, you should personally submit a new application to the Migration Agency and state your reasons for staying in Sweden.

Read more about residence permits in cases when a relationship ends

The Migration Agency may withdraw a permit

The residence permit can be withdrawn if, in your application, you provided incorrect information or did not mention something that was significant in regards to your residence permit. The permit can also be withdrawn if the requirements for the permit are no longer met.

If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application

If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application, it means you are not entitled to a residence permit for Sweden. You may lodge an appeal against the decision within three weeks of the date when you received notification of the decision. Information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in your decision. If you have given someone a power of attorney document that authorises him/her to represent you, this person is able to lodge an appeal on your behalf.

Read more about how to appeal

If you are still in Sweden when your application is rejected, you must leave the country within the timescale given in the decision.

Read more about what you need to know if you have had your application rejected and are still in Sweden

What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney can be a signed letter in which the person applying for a permit allows another person to represent them. A power of attorney can, for example, give someone the right to apply, be informed of the reasons for a decision, or lodge an appeal for someone else. The power of attorney must be signed by the person who gives their power of attorney to another person, and must be presented in the original if required by the Swedish Migration Agency.

In order to give another person power of attorney, you will need to send a letter to the Swedish Migration Agency stating

  • that it is a power of attorney
  • the name, date of birth and address of the person giving someone else the power of attorney
  • what the person who has the power of attorney has to do
  • the name, personal identity number and address of the person who is given the power of attorney
  • the signature of the person giving someone else the power of attorney
  • the date and place where the power of attorney is signed.

Power of Attorney, form 107011 Pdf, 1.1 MB, opens in new window.

Infor­ma­tion for people who are moving to Sweden with a resi­dence permit

On the page Information for people who are moving to Sweden with a residence permit, you will find information that is useful to know before you move or after you have moved to Sweden, such as work, healthcare, school and education in Sweden.

Information for people who are moving to Sweden with a residence permit

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