Regaining Swedish citizenship

If you have lost or been released from Swedish citizenship, you may, under certain circumstances, regain it through notification. The rules vary depending on the when and how you lost your Swedish citizenship and the country of which you are currently a citizen.

Previous rules sought to avoid dual citizenship. With effect from 1 April 2015 you can regain your Swedish citizenship through notification if you

  • lost your Swedish citizenship as a result of applying for, or agreeing to become a citizen of another country, or
  • lost your Swedish citizenship as a result of going into public service in another country, or
  • as a child, under the age of 18, automatically became a citizen of another country as a result of your parents becoming citizens of that country.  

In addition to having lost your Swedish citizenship in the manner described above, you must also

  • prove it probable that your stated identity is correct
  • not be reasonably suspected or convicted of certain crimes*
  • not pose a threat to Sweden’s national security or public safety
  • not be associated with groups or organisations that have committed abuse against other people.

*You must not be reasonably suspected or convicted of a crime for which the punishment under Swedish law is four years or more years in prison. You must also not have been convicted of repeated crimes which, under Swedish law, can neither be considered minor nor committed long ago. This applies regardless of whether the suspected or committed crimes took place in Sweden or another country.

Submit­ting a noti­fi­ca­tion

You should fill out the form Anmälan om svenskt medborgarskap för person som förlorat sitt svenska medborgarskap för att han eller hon blivit medborgare i ett annat land, 320011 (in Swedish only).

Anmälan om svenskt medborgarskap för person som förlorat sitt svenska medborgarskap för att han eller hon blivit medborgare i ett annat land, form 320011 (in Swedish only) Pdf, 731.3 kB, opens in new window.

Send the notification to:

The Swedish Migration Agency
Citizenship Unit
601 70 Norrköping

In most cases you must pay a fee.

Application fees for citizenship

After a deci­sion has been made

The Migration Agency will send the decision to your home. If you have become a Swedish citizen and wish to acquire a Swedish passport, you should contact the police.

If you are currently a citizen of Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway, you can regain your Swedish citizenship if you

  • have been a citizen of Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway since you lost your Swedish citizenship
  • currently live and are registered in Sweden.

Submit­ting a noti­fi­ca­tion

You should fill out the form Anmälan om att återfå svenskt medborgarskap – För medborgare i Danmark, Finland, Island eller Norge, 307031 (in Swedish only)

Anmälan om att återfå svenskt medborgarskap – För medborgare i Danmark, Finland, Island eller Norge, 307031 (in Swedish only) Pdf, 1.2 MB, opens in new window.

In most cases you must pay a fee.

Application fees for citizenship

After the deci­sion has been made

The Migration Agency will send the decision to you. If you have become a Swedish citizen and wish to apply for a Swedish passport, you must apply to a Swedish passport authority.

You can get back your Swedish citizenship if these requirements are met. You must

  • have reached the age of 18
  • have a permanent residence permit, residence status, right of residence, or a residence card
  • have lived in Sweden for a total of ten years and
  • have now lived and been registered in Sweden for two years
  • prove it probable that your stated identity is correct
  • not be reasonably suspected or convicted of certain crimes*
  • not pose a threat to Sweden’s national security or public safety
  • not be associated with groups or organisations that have committed abuse against other people.

*You must not be reasonably suspected or convicted of a crime for which the punishment under Swedish law is four years or more years in prison. You must also not have been convicted of repeated crimes which, under Swedish law, can neither be considered minor nor committed long ago. This applies regardless of whether the suspected or committed crimes took place in Sweden or another country.

Read more about the right of residence and residence cards

Read more about residence status

Submit­ting a noti­fi­ca­tion

You should fill out the form Anmälan om att återfå svenskt medborgarskap, 305021. The form is only available in Swedish.

Anmälan om att återfå svenskt medborgarskap, form 305021 (in Swedish only) Pdf, 735 kB, opens in new window.

Send the notification to:

The Swedish Migration Agency
Citizenship Unit
601 70 Norrköping

In most cases you must pay a fee.

Application fees for citizenship

After the deci­sion has been made

The Swedish Migration Agency will send the decision to you. If you have become a Swedish citizen and wish to apply for a Swedish passport, you must apply to a Swedish passport authority.

If you have children

If you have children who live in Sweden, under certain condi­tions, they can auto­ma­ti­cally become Swedish citi­zens. For infor­ma­tion on the condi­tions that must be met, see Swedish citi­zenship for children of a parent who becomes a Swedish citizen through noti­fi­ca­tion

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