Gender identity and sexual orientation
In Sweden, everyone has the right to their own gender identity and sexual orientation. Your gender identity is the gender(s) you feel you are, regardless of what others expect. Your sexual orientation describes the gender(s) of the people to whom you are attracted and fall in love. You have the right to love and be with whomever you want, regardless of whether the person is the same gender or a different gender than yourself.
You don’t have tell other people about your sexual orientation or gender identity unless you want to. There is no sexual orientation or gender identity that violates the law. On the contrary, it is illegal to treat someone unfairly or inferiorly, for example in school or in an organisation, because of the person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Where to turn
There are several different organisations and youth guidance centres to which you can turn if you want to know more or if you need support.
RFSL External link, opens in new window.
Through this organisation, you can connect with other LGBTQI+ people, participate in activities and get support. They also have a network for people who are new to Sweden, RFSL Newcomers External link, opens in new window..
UMO – about sex, health and relationships External link, opens in new window.
UMO is a website for everyone aged 13–25 years where you can read more about sexual orientation and gender identity.