If your appli­ca­tion for asylum is refused

A rejection means that the Swedish Migration Agency has determined that you do not have sufficient grounds to remain in Sweden. If your application is rejected, you have two choices: you can either accept the decision and return to your country of origin, or appeal. If you choose to appeal, a court will consider the decision. Even if you choose to lodge and appeal, you should make plans to return.

If you accept the decision on refusal of entry or expulsion, you can sign a so-called declaration of acceptance. Once you have signed a declaration of acceptance, you cannot appeal against the decision and you must plan your return journey. Even if you sign a declaration of acceptance, it is important that you cooperate with the Swedish Migration Agency regarding your return.

The decision on rejection is normally valid for four years.

Read more about what you need to know if you have to leave Sweden

Support with your return

Depending on what country you come from, you may be able to receive financial support or other forms of support to make things easier for you when you return to your country of origin.

Read more about who can receive support with their return

If you do not comply with a deci­sion

If you do not leave Sweden by the time stated in your decision, you no longer have the right to accommodation and financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency, and you may be given a re-entry ban.

The Swedish Migration Agency may also decide to place you under supervision or in detention until the journey can be made. The Swedish Migration Agency can also refer the responsibility for your return to the Police.

Read more about supervision and detention


If you do not accept the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision, you have the right to lodge an appeal. When you appeal, you are asking a court to consider the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision. An appeal must be lodged within a specific deadline. The deadline is given in your decision.

Read more about how to appeal

New inci­dents after rejec­tion

If anything happens which means you are unable to return, you must let the reception unit know. The Swedish Migration Agency will then consider whether there are any obstacles to implementing the expulsion. This should be new information that has appeared after you received your decision.

Read more about what to do if there are new incidents after rejection

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